Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer vacation...GO!

The joomchi workshop at the Morgan was a success.  There were only six students, but I prefer the smaller numbers.  I tried a different curriculum (make joomchi on day one, post-processing on day two), and I think it will serve as the basis for a new joomchi workshop format.  Below, student work drying on the line.

The Praxis workshops (Everything Awesome About Warps & Wefts) aren't happening...we just couldn't get the numbers needed.  Seems like that's a common problem this season.  I've already heard from a few folks that the workshop simply didn't line-up with their schedule, but if there were any other issues that kept you from signing up please let me know.

Peony above and Spiderwort below.

The grapes have finally been moved and I've added a whiz-bang trellis.  The mint eradication effort is underway, but it will be a longterm fight.